I-7232D CANopen Slave/Modbus RTU Master Gateway


Key Features

  • • NMT: Slave
  • Error Control: Node Guarding protocol
  • Node ID: Setting by CAN_MRU Utility Software or LSS Protocol
  • PDO Modes: Event-triggered, remotely requested, cyclic and acyclic SYNC
  • PDO Mapping: variable
  • No of SDOs: 1 server, 0 client
  • Emergency Message: Yes
  • CANopen Version: DS-301 v4.02
  • Device Profile: DSP-401 v2.1
  • CiA DSP-305 V1.1
  • Support max 10 Modbus RTU I/O series modules
  • Provide friendly Utility for parameters configuration
  • 7-segmemt LED to show Node ID, CAN baud rate and RS-485 baud rate


The ICP DAS I-7232D is a CANopen slave to Modbus RTU master gateway, and allows a CANopen master to have ability to access the Modbus slave devices. In the CANopen network, the I-7232D is a NMT slave, SDO server, PDO producer, and PDO consumer. From the view of the Modbus network, it is a Modbus RTU master which polls all the predefi ned data of the Modbus RTU slaves, and bypass the CANopen control commands to the Modbus slaves.

The ICP DAS I-7232D follows the CANopen specifi cation CiA-301 v4.02 and CiA-401 v2.1, and supplies many features of CANopen protocols, such as dynamic PDO, EMCY object, error output value, SYNC cyclic and acyclic. Like the I-7231D, the EDS file is also provided by the utility tool. Users can easily apply the ICP DAS I-7232D in the standard CANopen master with the EDS file.

