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The ODOT C3351 Programmable Automation Controller
The C3351 is the second edition PLC from ODOT Automation with CODESYS programming environment. This controller complies with the IEC61131-3 international standard and supports five programming
languages such as ladder diagram (LD), instruction list (IL), structured text (ST), function block diagram (CFC/FBD) and Sequential Function Chart (SFC).
The ODOT C3351 PLC support Modbus protocol, and upto 32 I/O modules can be integrated with the C3351 which makes it suitable for a variety of industrial applications from data acquisition, process control, motion control to energy & building management.
This controller can easily execute logic programs, and also send and receive I/O data and process communication data. The C3351 has reliable functions and convenient programming features which help users to easily implement the industrial level of data acquisition and logic control in various industry fields.
Contact our technical sales team via or 02039976277 for more information about the ODOT C3351 Programmable Automation Controller.